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Image showcasing the C4 Platform's Commercialization phase, highlighting its commitment to holistic ecosystem value creation beyond profits. Depicts engagement with diverse stakeholders and integration of sustainable development, with a focus on enhancing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) for a financially successful and inclusively sustainable future

The Success of Innovation lies in Rapid Commercialization

Rapid Growth Cycles with Mind 2 Market and Time 2 Market led Innovation

Versioning and Releasing Products & Services

This is the fourth stage of the C4 Platform that will be available as both Public and Private Cloud managed and maintained by Giggr Technologies.


This is also the stage when those who choose to use their own Commerce Platform can migrate seamlessly.


The success of Innovation lies in the Commercialization. How Customers can exponentially grow from Alpha to Beta to Gama.

This also serves as the board for understanding Usage Patterns that help renew Platform, Product and Process Design sharpening the Engagement and Experience.


Migrating the Commerce Environment


The C4 offers the option of continuing the commercial offering of the enterprise on the Public and / or Private Cloud offered or to migrate to a Private Cloud operated by the enterprise on its own. Thus every Version and Release will seamlessly operate in the environment that the enterprise chooses. With a tightly coupled integration with the Innovaton environment for renewal.

Image illustrating the flexibility of the C4 platform, which allows enterprises to continue their commercial offerings on public/private clouds or migrate to a private cloud operated independently. Highlights seamless operation across different environments for each version and release, with an integrated innovation environment for continuous renewal


Observing Consumption Behavior


The C4 Platform offers the opportunity to observe Customer and Consumption Behavior that can allow the Learning for renewal of Products and Services. At the same time, being of Service with empathy and greater flexibility.

Image depicting Giggr Technologies' C4 Platform's Commercialization capability to analyze customer and consumption behavior, highlighting how this insight aids in the continuous renewal of products and services. Emphasizes the platform's focus on providing empathetic and flexible service to meet evolving consumer needs

The Uniqueness of the Giggr Technologies Method

Three Modes of Learning

The cornerstone of Giggr Technologies' offerings is the capability to visualize the bigger picture and translate it into a virtual, agile vision. Giggr Technologies brings Micro (Experiential), Macro (Project) and Universal (Certification) based Learning in flight.

The emerging generation is not willing to be manipulated and misled. They want to lead their life on their own terms and they have strong views about their Data and the use of it. Almost every living system that operates has to transform to this new paradigm without fail. 

Assuring Data Autonomy

Privacy and Security have to be modeled in along with Data Autonomy that completes the triad of Personalization. The most significant shift in managing Data not from the Industrialization perspective but rather from the Personalization perspective. Addressing the context of the Customer's Life.

Privacy & Data Security

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